Monday, March 24, 2008

I would have lost the farm.

It's a boy! Yes, Moses is going to have a partner in crime. Here's the sweet face and profile of the newest edition to our family (note: he resembles Moses--even the technician commented on the fact that they looked alike as she was scanning his face):

I would say that we're surprised, but we're not really. This pregnancy is much different than with Moses, but that was the only thing that served as a possible indicator of a girl so both possibilities were fair game. My mother's intuition was wrong, too, but I'm sure that won't be the last time (shh, don't tell the boys I said that). At any rate, we look forward to endless fort constructs, camping adventures, reptilian requests, and sports events with our boys (it's so fun to say our boys, plural).

The best news is that the baby's development looks wonderful, and he's the picture of health. I'm measuring a few days ahead at this point, too, so maybe we'll see him earlier in August. As for names, don't ask. We have no clue what to name a second boy! We still have Moses' original name in reserve, but we don't even have a long list started.

And finally, this week's belly pic (I don't have one from last Monday) at 20 weeks 1 day:



Meredith said...

Congratulations on your baby boy! That is so awesome and I'm so happy that he is a healthy baby boy. I will pass the news onto Kevin!

Anonymous said...

Aw, Linds, Congrats! The boys are going to have so fun. :) (It is fun to say "the boys")
Now...what to do about your once pefect blog title...

Mother Ring said...

Mrs. B, I'm one step ahead of you. I hope to premier a new name and header this week. Mwah-ha-ha-ha.

Maegan said...

You look great!! I am so happy that everything is going great. Congratulations on your newest male addition.

lfhcreative said...

Congrats on another bouncing boy! that will be really cool to have 2 boys so close in age. And, your new house looks cute too!

Growing up said...

Congratulations on your second son! Your out numbered now, but that just means that you will now have 1 man/2 boys to take care of you!