Thursday, August 7, 2008

Stubborn child!

Well, I made it through the night! The membrane stripping hasn't been successful (yet), but I've been having more painful cramping than usual and some stronger contractions. We're not making a mad dash for the hospital just yet though. It's a nice overcast morning here so I think I'm going to head out doors for a long morning walk...


Anonymous said...

Yay! Gather up the towels, scissors, and boiling water. (I get the first two things, but why do they always say you need boling water? What are we boiling, exactly?)
Seriously, though. Surely it will be today. Surely.

Anonymous said...

Walking should do the trick! Especially if contractions are starting. Good luck!

Mrs.M said...

Good luck!! Today will be the day!! *fingers crossed*

lfhcreative said...

Hang in there! I think your little guy is holding out for 8-8-08. :)